UploadedFile Object


This object resides in the UploadManager.Files collection and represents an uploaded file.

Member List


Attributes As Long (Read/Write)

Sets and returns this file's system attributes. Can be a combination of file attribute values defined in the AspUpload type library:


<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" UUID="{B4E1B2DE-151B-11D2-926A-006008123235}"-->
Response.Write File.Attributes

File.Attributes = File.Attributes + FILE_ATTR_READONLY

Relevant Chapters: 6

Binary As Variant (Read-only)

Returns the binary image of the file as a Variant-packed safe array of bytes. Useful for saving files in the database using ADO.

rs("image_blob).Value = File.Binary

Relevant Chapters: 4

ContentType As String (Read-only)

Returns the uploaded file's Content-Type header value, such as "text/plain" or "application/octet-binary".

Response.Write File.ContentType

CreationTime As Date (Read-only)

Returns the file's Creation timestamp. This property is not defined if this is a memory file.

Response.Write File.CreationTime

Ext As String (Read-only)

Returns the file extension.

Response.Write File.Ext

Relevant Chapters: 3

FileName As String (Read-only)

Returns the saved file's name. It may be different from the original file name if unique file generation (the property Upload.OverwriteFiles) is in effect.

Response.Write File.FileName

Relevant Chapters: 2

Folder As String (Read-only)

Returns the saved file's folder. If this is a memory file, the folder will be the same as the original folder.

Response.Write File.Folder

ImageHeight As Long (Read-only)

Returns the pixel height of an image, or 0 if the file is not an image. Formats supported are BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG and WEBP.

Response.Write File.ImageHeight

Relevant Chapters: 7

ImageType As String (Read-only)

Returns the image type. Possible return values are "BMP", "GIF", "JPG", "PNG", "WEBP", and "TIF" for BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, WEBP and TIFF images, respectively, and "UNKNOWN" if the file is not an image or of an unknown image type.

Response.Write File.ImageType

Relevant Chapters: 7

ImageWidth As Long (Read-Only)

Returns the pixel width of an image, or 0 if the file is not an image. Formats supported are BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG and WEBP.

Response.Write File.ImageWidth

Relevant Chapters: 7

LastAccessTime As Date (Read-only)

Returns the file's Last Access timestamp. This property is not defined if this is a memory file.

Response.Write File.LastAccessTime

Relevant Chapters: N/A

LastWriteTime As Date (Read-only)

Returns the file's Last Write timestamp. This property is not defined if this is a memory file, unless the file is uploaded with XUpload or JUpload, and the PreserveFileTime feature is enabled.

Response.Write File.LastWriteTime

MD5Hash As String (Read-only)

Returns the file's MD5 one-way hash value in the Hex format.

Response.Write File.MD5Hash

Relevant Chapters: 4

Name As String (Read-only)

Returns the value of the NAME attribute of this file's <INPUT TYPE=FILE> tag. This property cannot be used to retrieve the file name, use FileName instead.

Response.Write File.Name

Relevant Chapters: 2

OriginalFileName As String (Read-only)

Returns the original name of the uploaded file.

Response.Write File.OriginalFileName

OriginalFolder As String (Read-only

Returns the original folder path of the uploaded file.

Response.Write File.OriginalFolder

OriginalPath As String (Read-only)

Returns the original full path of the uploaded file.

Response.Write File.OriginalPath

OriginalSize As Long (Read-only)

Returns the original size of the uploaded file. This value may be different from the current size if file truncation is enabled via the SetMaxSize method.

Response.Write File.OriginalSize

Path As String (Read-only)

Returns the full path of the uploaded file on the server.

Response.Write File.Path

Relevant Chapters: 2

Size As Long (Read-only)

Enables translation of characters in POSTed text items and file names from the specified code page to Unicode. If the data is posted in the UTF-8 format, set this property to 65001. Other valid values include, but are not limited to, 1251 (Cyrillic), 1255 (Hebrew), 1256 (Arabic), etc.

Upload.CodePage = 65001

Relevant Chapters: 8


Sub AllowAccess(Account As String, Flags As Long)
Adds an allowance access control entity (ACE) corresponding to the specified NT Account to this file's Access Control List (ACL). Flags must be a valid combination of Access Type values defined in the file AspUpload.inc such as GENERIC_ALL. Other valid flag combinations include:

Full Control (All): GENERIC_ALL


File.AllowAccess "jsmith", GENERIC_ALL

Relevant Chapters: 6

Sub Copy(Path As String, Optional Overwrite)

Copies this file to a location specified by Path which must be a fully qualified path.

If Overwrite is set to True or omitted, overwrites an existing file. If Overwrite is set to False and a file at Path already exists, the method will fail.


File.Copy "c:\newpath\" & File.FileName

Relevant Chapters: 3

Sub CopyVirtual(VirtualPath As String, Optional Overwrite)

Same as Copy, but expects a virtual rather than physical path. If the system admin disables the Copy method, users are forced to use CopyVirtual which confines them to their own home directory and subdirectories.


File.CopyVirtual "/uploads/" & File.FileName

Relevant Chapters: 10

Sub Delete()

Deletes the file.



Relevant Chapters: 3

Sub DenyAccess(Account As String, Flags As Long)

Adds a denial access control entity (ACE) corresponding to the specified NT Account to this file's Access Control List (ACL). Flags must be set to GENERIC_READ.


File.DenyAccess "jsmith", GENERIC_ALL

Relevant Chapters: 6

Sub ExtractFileName()

Creates an empty file. Obsolete. Supported only for backwards compatibility. Use FileName instead


Response.Write File.ExtractFileName

Sub ExtractFolderName()

Obsolete. Supported only for backwards compatibility. Use Folder instead.


Response.Write File.ExtractFolderName

Sub Move(Path As String)

Copies this file to a location specified by Path which must be a fully qualified path. If a file at Path already exists, the method will fail.


File.Move "c:\newpath\" & File.FileName

Relevant Chapters: 3

Sub MoveVirtual(VirtualPath As String)

Same as Move, but expects a virtual rather than physical path.


File.MoveVirtual "/uploads/" & File.FileName

Relevant Chapters: 10

Sub RevokeAllowance(Account As String)

Removes the corresponding allowance ACE from this file's ACL.


File.RevokeAllowance "jsmith"

Relevant Chapters: 6

Sub RevokeDenial(Account As String)

Removes the corresponding denial ACE from this file's ACL.


File.RevokeDenial "jsmith"

Relevant Chapters: 6

Sub SaveAs(Path As String)

Saves the file under the name specified by Path. If UploadManager.OverwriteFiles is set to False and a file specified by Path already exists, this method will generate a unique file name by appending a numeric suffix such as (1), (2), etc. to the file name.

This method is especially useful when uploading to memory, as this is the only way to save a memory file to disk.

Side effect: if the method succeeds, the UploadedFile.Path property will be changed to Path (or a unique file name derived from it).


File.SaveAs "c:\path\" & File.FileName

Relevant Chapters: 4

Sub SaveAsVirtual(VirtualPath As String)

Same as SaveAs, but expects a virtual rather than physical path. If the system admin disables SaveAs, users will be forced to use SaveAsVirtual which confines them to their home directory and subdirectories.


File.SaveAsVirtual "/path/" & File.FileName

Relevant Chapters: 10

Sub SetOwner(Account As String, Flags As Long)

Sets the NTFS owner of this file to the Windows Account specified.


File.SetOwner "jsmith"

Relevant Chapters: 6

Sub ToDatabaseConnect As String, SQL As String, Optional MSAccessHeaders)

Saves the file specified to the database as a BLOB using ODBC.

Connect is an ODBC connection string which may use a system DSN, or be DSNless, for example:



"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\path\db.mdb"

However Connect cannot be an ADO-style connection string, i.e. it cannot reference an OLD DB provider, as this method is based on ODBC.

SQL is an SQL INSERT or UPDATE statement which uses the sign ? as a placeholder for the file being saved in the database, for example:

"INSERT INTO mytable(image_blob, path) values(?, 'c:\path\file.ext')"


"UPDATE mytable SET imageblob = ? WHERE id = 15"

The MSAccessHeaders parameter may only be used with MS Access databases. If set to True, AspUpload will attempt to save the file not as a Blob but as an OLE Object so that the document can be invoked directly from MS Access by double-clicking on the table field. This feature will only work with file types for which OLE document servers exist, such as MS Word documents (*.doc), Excel workbooks (*.xls), bitmaps (*.bmp), etc. For other types of files (such as *.gif) the MSAccessHeaders parameter will be ignored and assumed False. Note that you will not be able to download a document saved as an OLE Object directly to the browser.


File.ToDatabase "DSN=mydb;UID=sa;PWD=xxxx;", "insert into myimages(image_blob) values(?)"

Relevant Chapters: 4