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If you are having a technical problem with AspUpload or any other Persits Software product, there is a good chance a solution to your problem is already in our library of articles.

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If you can't find a solution to your problem in our knowledge base, write us at

To provide you with better service, we ask that you follow these guidelines when reporting your problem to us:

  • Be specific. Don't just say "your component is not working." Include the exact error message you are getting, if any, and a relevant code snippet.
  • Be concise. Try to limit your question to a few sentences describing the symptoms of the problem. Also, limit the amount of code you are attaching. Please do not sent every ASP file of your entire project.
  • Be patient. We answer questions in the order they are received. Response time may vary from a few minutes to a few hours, in rare cases even days. Home Page Copyright © 1998 - 2013 Persits Software, Inc.
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